August 31, 2022 Our Website will be getting an update soon. As her Senior Project, Mercedes VanNortwick will be adding a history page. She will design the page, add history and add digital pictures. She will be working on it through out the year so watch for updates!

June 8, 2021 VBS Day 2! The lost sheep…Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:3-7; Luke 23. Our VBS daily story today. Soooo, they made sheep at snack time. So cute! The children have also been busy making crosses for necklaces or book bag tags. Playing games, having music and learning about the lost sheep were also included in our list of accomplishments for the day. It is so nice to see all the smiling faces and happy sounds of children learning and playing.

June 7, 2021 VBS week is upon us! We are so excited to have in person VBS. Our theme this year is Son Quest Rain Forest. All activities are being held in Fellowship Hall that has been decorated with the rain forest theme with animals, vines and waterfalls! This is a little different than VBS of past, but due to smaller number of volunteers and not knowing the number of children that would attend, this was the place to be. It seems to be going great!! Children are rotating from station to station- bible study, crafts, recreation, snacks/video and music/bible memory.

We also had take home packets available for those who were to able to attend in person for whatever reason. There are also videos here on our web page! We love that our children are wanting to learn about God and his Son, Jesus!

February 5, 2020 Christmas Season is over and we are in full swing planning the Lenten and Easter Season. Ash Wednesday falls on February 26th, with an Ash Wednesday Service being planned. The first Sunday in Lent is March 1st. Palm Sunday is 5th with our traditional waving of the palms by the children as they enter the Sanctuary. The Easter Celebration begins at Sunrise and is followed by an Easter egg hunt on the church lawn, with worship service beginning at 10:45. It is always an uplifting and joyous service. Several other events are being planned. The First United Methodist Women are planning a Saint Patrick’s Day lunch following worship on March 15th and March 29th is a fifth Sunday where we have a music fill worship service!

Sept 12, 2019 Fall is quickly approaching and all the activities that come with it. The church is in full swing of planning our “Praise Gathering & Rejoicing Sunday” on Sept. 29th during worship. It will be a Sunday Worship of Praise music shared by a variety of people from our congregation. Some in groups and some solos. There is a pot luck meal being planned by the Fellowship Team that will be extending the time of fellowship that will be shared. It will be Fall in full swing! Fall Fest has been put on the calendar and the FirstUMW are also planning a Fall Jubilee and inviting other churches to attend. It is the season to rejoice and share our blessings with others.

July 17, 2019 We are glad to have Rev. Sang Hak Lee and his family join our church family here at Belleville FUMC. We are currently organizing Meet & Greet sessions with him and possibly his family. This is a great way for families or individuals to meet in small groups and discuss their thoughts and visions for our church. We are hoping to include as many members as possible through the months of July and August with a date in September to catch any that were not able to attend the others Meets & Greets. The dates will be listed in the bulletins and newsletter. The Meet & Greets were designed to make it comfortable for all. Some are for singles, for couples and also families with small children will be meeting at the City Park!